I started on Monday 29th September I went with Shauna and we just gave ourselves a chance to get back into it, it was pretty awesome to be back. I must admit I do kind of miss the place when I don't go, I'm surprised I lasted so long not going. Then I gave myself a rest day as I was completely exhausted. Then Wednesday 1st October came around.
Glen joined the gym that day, and joined myself and Shauna to a session at the gym, well technically we joined him as he was already there, he is a bit of an early bird that one. Maybe he'll be able to help me get into a routine of having early gym sessions. Well, I say that but it'll take some time.
The gym session went well and then myself, Shauna and Glen all had a nice shop around town and even chilled for a bit. It's good because we can help motivate each other into getting fitter which to be honest I think we all need the most. Motivation, support and just good company.
I'm going to go gym again tomorrow, but unsure of what time yet. As to be honest these gym sessions have exhausted me lately, but it is only my first week back so it'll be interesting to see how I'll progress in time. As the weeks go by, I am slowly going to try and push myself and add more days into my routine.
I am hoping to workout 6/7 days a week, it's going to exhaust me, but it'll be worth it.
One step at a time I guess.
Next week should hopefully be a little easier and I'm going to aim towards 4 workout sessions that week, hopefully they should last 40-50mins long. Then as the weeks progress on they'll be lasting 1 hour long, and then they'll be including an extra 20mins for strength workouts.
I have a plan, let's hope I can stick to it.