We all have our own way of handling our weight and our confidence, when it's come down to both I haven't been handling either of them very well. I have struggled for 5 years with my weight, ever since I had a life-changing year when I was 14.
I fell in love with someone who gave me all the emotional support I needed, then took full advantage of my innocence and before I knew it, he'd left me pregnant and torn apart. The next year was horrendous. I lost friends, and lost every part of myself that was ever important, I struggled and with being a 14 year old girl pregnant I had enough struggles. I turned to abortion, which was a difficult time. It has forever left me emotional unstable especially when it comes to men.
This is when it all changed though, my body gained weight my confidence disappeared and I was lost. I never regained either of these parts of me. Yet the rest of me has developed and improved in a way am I forever thankful, considering the life I've lived.
Now it's time for a change though, I need to force my way through these problems and finally face them head on. It's time to stop letting this damaged 14 year old girl control my life and finally get a hold on myself. I know exactly how I want to be and what I want to be like. I just have to go a step at a time and hope that I have enough strength to get through this alone.
This is why I've started this blog, not only for myself but for the pure fact that I need to keep track of my progress and the emotional battles I'll be facing throughout. I will get quite intimate whilst writing my posts and you will a see a part of me that barely anyone ever see's.
I only hope you wish me luck and that my honestly will get me through this.

We always need a reminder of why we're losing weight and how badly we need to take a hold of these problems and face them head on and that's exactly what these three photo's are here for. To remind me that this isn't how I want to look and this isn't at all something to be proud of.
It's time to remove this double chin and erase the fat that threatens my body everyday.
Height: 5 ft 1 inch
Weight: 150.1 lbs (10 Stone, 10.1 lbs)
Weight: 105 lbs (7 Stone, 7 lbs)
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