Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Gym Buddies.

I have myself a gym buddy as I've told you all about in one of my recent posts, and her name is Taylor Ebsworth my boyfriend's younger sister. We've both had problems with our weight recently due to relationships and the more comfortable life that comes with them, but now it's time for a change.

So far together we have had 2 successful sessions, we've even began to organise a decent routine and expand it more to get the best weight workout we can possibly get. Our work lasts roughly 90 mins (1 hour and 30  mins) at the moment, but our next session will be lasting 110 mins (1 hour and 50 mins). Doing this three times a week whilst dieting and cutting our calorie count down to 1200 calories a day should hopefully result in a quick and balanced weight loss. It's going to be brutal and tough, after our second work out I found myself struggling but still pushing forwards.

We have so far prepared our workout to this:

20 mins: Bike (Effort level 4 and above, whilst pedalling 60 - 80 rpm)

20 mins: Cross Runner (Effort level 6 and above, whilst going 140+ rpm)

30 mins: Treadmill (Varied, Taylor enjoys intervals of jogging and a brisk walk. Whilst I prefer hard brisk walking up hill, then short intervals of jogging)

This workout alone can take it's toll on us , but Taylor has found herself still bursting with energy so we've decided to add Rowing into the workout to see if this will give us that extra push to losing just a little more weight.

20 mins: Rowing Machine (Effort level 6 and above, intervals of steady pass, quick burst etc.)

I must admit, I do struggle with the Rowing Machine because it causes problems with my hip, I know I'm 19 and shouldn't be saying things like that, but it does happen. I have decided to take thing a little slower than Taylor because I think I might struggle with this one, but I'm ready and that's all I can be.

I have considered changing out mid-week workout (Wednesday) to a weights day, but I think this heavy cardio workout is the best way to go for now, well until we start to see results that is.

This is the part of working out that I struggle with most, I am constantly expecting to see instant results and this is where I fall back into a relapse of my old behaviour, but thankfully Taylor has a firm tongue and is demanding, she'll make sure I'll stick to this routine and if I don't she'll give me the grief and motivation to remind me why I'm doing this.

It's going to be tough, but now that I have Taylor there with me and I'm not so alone as I once was, I think I'll be able to get through this.

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