Those Distractions...
We all get those times where we want to dedicate ourselves to something but then suddenly BOOM your life finally gets exciting and everything starts happening all at once. I mean these past few weeks have been quite stressful as it is but they have just been getting even more stressful.I have barely been able to get track of myself let alone everything else that's happening in my life.
Although, Part one of my project is finished at college which is amazing, now all we have to do is the hard part which is setting up for our presentation. We have to present in front of a real client and hopefully win the competition which I can only hope will go well.
As you can in these photo's I have my second-in-command Shauna who is one of my best friends and one of those people who has an amazing metabolism so she can stuff her face. I am very jealous of this, but she makes up for it in motivating me to lose weight which is great because barely any of my friends agree with my decision even if it does make me happier.
Usually they say 'You don't have to lose weight, you look fine,' which I don't. I'm short so the weight is more noticeable and it makes me look horrendous, I won't wear a swimming costume not with the way I look in one. My thighs scrapping together and mu stretch-marks smothering my body, no thanks. No one deserves to see that, even if they were okay with it.
On the other hand at least I've been keeping myself busy now all I have to do is get myself into a routine and then I can start to organise myself properly. I have set myself a goal on Nike+ to start running at least 2 times a week for 3 weeks which I can only hope will to to plan!
Wish me luck everyone.
I think I'll need it.
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