That Belly You Dream Of...
Okay we all have dreams of having that perfect body and have everyone staring at us in wonder, so I thought I'd write a post about why I want this body so much and how much I crave the attention I've never received in my life so far. Also I'll be talking about the kind of body I'm after.
First of all the dream body, how much I've craved that beautifully flat stomach that's slightly toned and shows your curves, that is the stomach I'll be aiming for, the only hard part doing the right exercises to get it. But that has been solved as well as I have an app that shows me all the different exercises and how to do them, so I can't wait to use that when I'm at the gym.
The thighs and arms are my worst area's as my thighs are no riddled with stretch marks which I shall be buying bio-oil for and hopefully see less of them, I shall hopefully lose a good few inches on those bad boys. As I do detest them, and myself for letting this happen in the first place. The arms another sour spot for me because I just generally hate how large they look and want a nice trimmed look to them.
Then you have the clothes and the attention, I know that the fashion industry will always design for the skinnier person, so that's another reason I want to get skinny, not only for the health benefits but for the clothes that would never look right on a larger person. I know it seems like I hate large people, as I don't. I just hate me as a larger person, it isn't who I want to be.
I also never had the kind of attention most girls got when they started developing etc. Which makes me feel like I must have done something wrong, well hopefully this will change, with my changes I shall hopefully start attracting more guys, it seems odd that I want attention but it's just to boost my self-esteem. I also want to do it for my boyfriend, as I don't want to be holding hands with him thinking that he may be ashamed of how I look, I know he'd never ever think that of me, but I think that of myself.
So hopefully with this hard work and lots of motivation and support and action, I will reach that goal I am so desperate to reach. I know this is a marathon and not a race, so I need to pace myself but the excitement is just getting to me already. I just wish the new year would hurry up and get here so I can get on with it.
Here are a few pictures just to give you a rough idea of how I wouldn't mind looking, pretty nice aren't they?

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