Thursday, 3 January 2013

Diet Begins.

Okay, so it's the second day into my diet and exercise plan. If you remember I said I wasn't going to do anything on the 1st due to clearing out the old clothes and basically preparing myself for the long and painful journey ahead of me.

Well day one was a complete pain, and honestly I haven't been able to remove all junk from my diet I have had a couple biscuits, but a couple I actually only mean 2. Which isn't horrific. I also began work on my new exercise DVD that I bought in the new year.

I have bought 2 DVD's and they are:

Unfortunately Jillian Michaels hasn't arrived yet but Davina has, and I did one of the 30 minute workouts and almost threw up, it was brutal. The only good side, is that I will be doing it everyday I don't go gym which is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

I will actually do a review on both DVD's as well, as a bonus for my posting, so after a couple months I shall let you know how I have found the DVD and if it is good enough to fit into your day to day life. Because let's face it we want to have a decent workout but also something easy to follow and demanding, and by demanding I mean result worthy.

I have heard that the Davina DVD is actually very good and has some good results I just hope Jillian turns up soon as well so I can try out her workouts as well. 

I even got myself an armband for my iPhone so it can record my jogs and so on when I'm out jogging or at the gym, which is just perfect for me. I never realised how much easier it would  be if I had one.

All right so that is all I can really update for the moment, apart from the fact that I shall update you weekly about my weight and measurements etc, and I also be letting you know if I'm struggling emotionally or physically through the workouts and the diet, as already I am looking at Chocolate like it should be wrapped up and kept in my arms where it'll be safe. Let's hope this phase passes me soon.

Good luck everyone with your new year, and make sure you WORK HARD!

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