Thursday 24 January 2013

Behind On Blogging.

Big Oops..

I have been behind on my blogging I would like to get at least 2 posts out a week if I could but my schedule has been a little bit messed up and I haven't been able to get online nearly as much as I would like to.

I have been struggling recently with a lot of things, from college work to home problems, but that is no excuse to affect my exercise but it has.

It's time to be extremely honest, I have been struggling with the exercise part of my weight loss plan, the main section EXERCISE and I haven't quite figured out how to tackle it head on. My boyfriend is struggling with his weight at the moment and I'm trying to encourage him to lose weight but I haven't been taking my own advice, which has left me a little lost.

After the incident of my boyfriend buying me a bag of cookies which has over 1000 calories in I've struggled with exercise and motivation, I also have been struggling to keep up with my diet. It's extremely easy to fall back into bad habits but now I have been halving my calorie intake and am constantly under my daily calorie goal on My Fitness Pal it isn't something to be proud of but I'm glad that I haven't been going over, I'd rather be under by a lot than over by a lot.

The starvation feeling has become a second nature to me now, and I've already noticed a little weight loss of my thighs which is great, as this is one of my main troubled area's.

Now I have to tackle the gym and my exercise DVD, I have done a couple workout's recently from my Davina Body Buff DVD and it's been going okay and I can feel myself getting a bit fitter, I've also been cleaning and walking my dogs more to add that little bit more exercise to my day to day life, I've even been walking to my boyfriend's in horrendous weather just to lose that little bit more weight.

It hasn't been easy, my muscles are strained but not enough to lose weight as quickly as I'd like to, I would like to lose a certain amount of weight a week, so I've finally come to a decision.

I am waiting until the 1st of February and that's when things get serious. I will have 1 month to lose a lot of weight before an important wedding and I will be aiming to lose as much as possible, I want to look my best for a change. 

This is what I'll be doing, I shall keep up with the low calorie intake and then I shall start going gym even more than I originally planned, then that's when I am higher, not only will I go gym more but I shall be pushing myself to walk almost everywhere, I shall take my dogs out almost everyday, and I shall be making myself feel better.

No more of this low-confidence b***-***t it's time to start thinking positive, after all I am doing this for me. 

And only me.

I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and say 'I worked bloody hard for this,' and be proud of what I see not ashamed, you should never have to feel ashamed in yourself. I can promise you, it's a horrible feeling and will keep you down for longer than you care to think.

But that's enough of this memory flashback of my week couple weeks, it's time to look forward and up, so I hope you keep pushing yourself and aiming high and remember, you can do it!

You can do it.

Don't let anyone prove you wrong. 

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