Tuesday 29 January 2013

Gym Today.

Yes I have suddenly been bitten by the motivation bug, so I will be attending gym today which I'm actually looking forward to. I have to work my ass off so I am sweating like a pig.

The weather in little old Plymouth is awful at the moment but I'm not letting it stop me from doing my work out, I did a workout from my Davina Body Buff DVD and it was painful. I don't know why but my legs began aching and striking a pain straight up through my shin's, I don't know what caused it but it was enough to make me stop and consider what I was doing. I took it a little calmer after that and thankfully got through the workout.

But today it's back to the gym, I have to go again on Thursday and then maybe Saturday if I can will myself to do it, it's all about determination, and that is something I struggle quite a lot with.

A very random source has reminded me of why I'm doing this, and that would be my brother's sister, her name is Taylor and she's actually lovely. Strange, thinking that a girlfriend can get along so well with the sister, usually that doesn't happen.

She's joining my gym this Saturday and going to be doing a thorough workout on the day, but I shall be joining her on the Monday and we'll be going gym together every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and maybe one of the days on the weekend as well. Taylor is very strong minded so I know she'll keep me to my routine, and she'll make me pay if I don't.

(Another one of my friend's Elicia, is supposed to be joining gym but I haven't heard anything more about it)

I will be doing everything I can now to desperately lose as much weight as possible because I know that it's going to be a rough journey but one I'm willing to travel.

I really hope I can stay on the straight and narrow and work my ass off, I have a trim fit body to obtain and then maintain. Fingers crossed everyone that with the right people I will be able to lose the weight and finally be able to appreciate myself..

Tomorrow if I can, I shall be updating again and this time I'll be posting a photo of myself when I was skinny and nice, I wasn't too skinny a nice small size 10 which was one of my favourite sizes, so let's hope that with the right amount of effort I will be able to look like that again.

Don't worry you'll see it tomorrow and then you'll know what I'm talking about.

I'm ready for the hard work to come, bring it on.

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